Practice Management Software
Practice Management Software
For CAs & Tax Practitioners
Manage Tasks, Clients & Documents, Track time, Send Reminders, and much more
Start My 30 Days Free Trial
Manage Practice Easily from Anywhere
Save Time and Efforts
Manage Tasks with Ease
Create and manage tasks easily. Allocate to your team members and track the status of the tasks. Get notified when the task is completed.
- Create Task Automatically
- Just select date on which you want to create each task. For example, if you want all GSTR-1(Monthly) tasks to be created on 7th of every month, just select 7th and system will create tasks for all GSTR-1(Monthly) GSTINs on 7th of every month.
- All things considered
- System will also consider the QRMP selection, registration date, cancellation date, registration type (regular or composition) etc. while creating tasks. For example - Task for June 2024 will not be created for GSTIN which is cancelled in May 2024.
- Manage Task
- Allot task to your team members, track the status of the task, set due date, add comments. Get notified for each change by your team members.
Declutter all information
Manage Clients
Keep all your client information in one place. Save passwords for all portals, attach docs like pan, aadhar, etc. Add new fields using custom fields option.
- Import Clients
- Import all client easily with excel import option. Or you can just add all GSTIN to start managing GST clients.
- Bulk Update
- You can update information in all clients with our bulk update option.
- Use Custom Fields for Extra Information
- If you need to save some extra information for your clients, you can use custom fields option.